Sep 2, 2010

And the Build Goes On... Again

The build goes on but the end is in sight! The official opening of Forgotten Works Studio is September 25th when I will be participating in the Dumbo Arts Festival. The official save the date is coming out soon (for those of you on my mailing list) but until then, more building pics.

I made a run to Build it Green today, an awesome non-profit salvage yard up in Queens. If you've never been there and you're one of those people who could conceivably find a use for a 15 ft Christmas ornament or an antique marble fireplace mantel, I highly suggest checking it out!

I made the run in Peter Griffin's little red Chrysler convertible. Peter's a soft touch when it comes to loaning out his car which is one of many reasons I love that man. In a totally hetero, masculine, hey-fella-I'm-not-gay-not-that-there's-anything-wrong-with-that, kind of way of course.
His little Geo hatch-back which was an object of beautiful economy of space finally died.

The wheel snapped off.

Think about that one. Not a flat or a blowout. Not the tire, the wheel. The front driver side wheel snapped off the car. So he's back to driving a convertible. No power steering, but the roof goes down at the touch of a button. And thank god for that. I managed to do this:

For the record, that's 3 doors, 4- 4x8 styrofoam reflector panels, a lamp, six hinges and about 30 pieces of antique wooden molding. Total cost: 90 bucks. I love that place!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nod to the community brother. We approve of your exploits as well. More or less.
