And the subject of yesterday's shoot for the Box Project. I met HH at burlesque show on my birthday back in May last year. A small piece of advice for all you budding portrait photographers out there: If you want to photograph someone it would be better not to be staggering drunk when you approach them about a shoot. Particularly if they are wearing only a couple layers of gauze and feathers when you do. However despite this initial... let's call it a tequila induced handicap, I was able to describe the project well enough that she was at least intrigued.
And despite this somewhat questionable beginning (and this is where an iphone portfolio comes in handy!) once she saw the images she loved the project and agreed to sit for me. Then it only took 8 months to coordinate our schedules, come up with a concept and shoot. Here are a couple of quick edits from the day. Final images coming soon!